LVMAC Tidbit:  VA Updates Rating Schedule for Skin Conditions

“No conditions were removed from the new rating schedule for skin conditions. However, several diagnostic codes assigned to various skin conditions were restructured or revised as VA aims to have the rating schedule better reflect modern medicine,” according to the VA.  The new rating schedule for skin conditions goes into effect August 13.

This part of a complete, systematic review of the VA Schedule for Rating Disabilities (VASRD) for 15 designated “body systems”.  It has not been done since 1945 and was long overdue, but it may also have consequences for those newly applying.  Begun in September 2017, the rating schedules for Dental and Oral Conditions, conditions related to the Endocrine system, Gynecological Conditions and Disorders of the Breast and the General Rating Formula for Diseases of the Eye have already been updated.

For more information go to the VAntage Point blog article of 13 August 2018.


As of 22 August 2018


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